Sunday, 27 March 2016


The Greenfield Greyhounds have a series of beginner sessions at least once a year, possibly more depending on demand. This is a really good way of getting started with running, because of the added benefit of learning in a group - encouraging each other rather than trying to go it alone, having a regular time to run and effectively a commitment to others to run. The group doesn't work if people don't turn up, so it helps you get out in inclement weather when you don't want to let others down.

There are many ways to start to learn to run and there is no defined best method. Whether you find a guide on a website like or find a 'Couch to 5k' training plan or join a group, there are plenty of ways to take those first steps in a new healthy hobby.

The Greyhounds beginner classes start with short 2k runs and use a variety of routes and types of runs to slowly build up the group to 5k. The current class is reaching it's end and there are some enthusiastic new runners eager for the final challenge.

The beginners will be going to one of the local park runs (Oldham's Alexandra Park) to run a timed 5k. I'm confident they will all complete it and getting to the end will be a great achievement. It's a chance for those new runners to see just how far they've come in a relatively short period of time. Myself and several other experienced Greyhounds will join them in support and it promises to be a great morning, no doubt with a celebratory coffee and sausage butty afterwards somewhere :)

If you've considered running, but not quite got out there yet or tried and not made it very far, may be search out your local running club and see what they have on offer.

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